
Hi, I’m Stephanie Loggins, a graphic designer based in Marietta, GA, where I live with my husband and three sons. I’m an avid gardener, art lover and bibliophile. 


The silk tree (aka Mimosa tree) is a symbol of joy with it’s bright pink, pom-pom like flowers and is the perfect representation of Stephanie’s work. Graceful, natural and with a delightful pop of color! After freelancing for 20 years, Stephanie formally incorporated Silk Tree Studio, LLC in 2018.

She’s a creative to her core, has a deep passion for many aspects of design and art, and most of all loves working with clients to bring their vision to life. Whether it’s graphic design or making art, she enjoys working with businesses and individuals to create a successful brand strategy.


Stephanie studied art and design at Oklahoma State University, where she earned a BFA in Graphic Design. She has a strong background rooted in visual presentation.

Adobe Illustrator


Clients include beauty industry, accountants, event venues, city parks & rec, education, music industry, retail, creative services, health and wellness, and so many more.

Stephanie has loved art since she was a young girl and has made many paintings and drawings throughout the years. She is the co-leader of a local art group and participates in many local art shows and art walks.

Want to connect? Say hello!

Silk Tree Studio

Owner and Chief Designer. {2018 – present}

Saratoga Event Group

Marketing and Art Director creating a cohesive brand strategy for several event venues and caterers. {2004 – 2023}

Kell High School

Full-time graphic design and screen printing teacher.  {2017-2018}

Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles

Assistant Art Director for an interior design magazine based in Atlanta, Ga. {2003-2004}

Southern Regional Education Board

Graphic Designer and Editorial Assistant. {2002-2003}

Audio Visual Center, Oklahoma State University

Junior Graphic Designer {1998-2001}

NARUC, Nat’l Assoc. of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

Washington D.C. – Summer Internship (2000)